Faerie House Assemblage Project
During the sculpture unit, the Carbonear Collegiate Art and Design 3200 students learned about and created assemblage sculptures. For this project, students first learned the history of the belief in faeries and faerielore of Newfoundland. Students then created faerie houses which will be on display at the Cupids Legacy Centre this summer. The faerie houses will be displayed along a faerie path that will be constructed at the Cupids Legacy Centre.
The Faerie Houses will be also be displayed at the Cupids Legacy Centre's Faerie event on August 15, 2015. All houses and Faerie Rock Paintings (from the 2200 classes) will be displayed along a path at the archaeological dig site as interpreters take visitors on a faerie walk and recite faerie stories. The large Faerie House will be on display in the Cupids Legacy Centre during the event.
For more information on the faerie house assemblage project, please see the sculpture page here.
For more information on the Cupids Legacy Centre, you can visit their website here.
The Faerie Houses will be also be displayed at the Cupids Legacy Centre's Faerie event on August 15, 2015. All houses and Faerie Rock Paintings (from the 2200 classes) will be displayed along a path at the archaeological dig site as interpreters take visitors on a faerie walk and recite faerie stories. The large Faerie House will be on display in the Cupids Legacy Centre during the event.
For more information on the faerie house assemblage project, please see the sculpture page here.
For more information on the Cupids Legacy Centre, you can visit their website here.
With the help of many students, I also began a large faerie house that is still a work in progress. We've put countless hours of work into this little house and many student artists have contributed creatively. We're not sure where this large faerie house will be displayed yet. Hopefully, it will find a loving home when it is completed. Click on the images below to view the gallery.
Completed Faerie House!
Large and small faerie houses on display at the Cupids Legacy Centre (July 2015).